BUILDING TECHNOLOGY 2 [ARC 3524]- Project 1: Building Plans/Fire-Fighting Plans

   Selected project by Alfred Lee

  In a group of 5, we translated our groupmate's project designed from studio 5 into a complete set of architectural working drawing (for submission to the authorities), utilising all the formats and conventions of working drawing as they applied in contemporary architectural practice

Full set A1 drawings, including:
a. Site Plan, Key Plan and Location Plan
b. Full set of Building Plans including Roof Plan
c. Sections and Elevations
d. Staircase and toilet details
e. Door and window schedules

Learning Outcomes

1. Apply visual communication methods (technical drawing and terminology) to clearly and effectively convey their design ideas and proposals from architectural design project.
2. Apply the practices and procedures of working drawings development.
3. Develop an understanding of the general nature, principles and procedure of law and legislation, particularly Building By-laws; and its relationship to working drawings.
4. Develop and design details for their design project.
5. Produce plans drawings for submission to the various authorities in accordance to the authorities’ requirement
6. Produce detailed drawings of floor plans, section , elevations and site plan of their design
7. Produce schedule of finishes, built-up area, doors and windows
8. Produce a complete set of building plans submissions of their design that complies with building by-law


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